Jared and Fabian: "Who We Are"
Holiday Episode
Blind Taste Testing - RUM
Bourbon Pursuit Podcast - http://bourbonpursuit.com
Rum Curious - Fred Minnick
Rum Pursuit - http://bourbonpursuit.com/2017/09/14/113-rum-pursuit-fred-minnick/
Jared Byczko, Co-Owner- NapTown Fitness
-Started as CrossFit NapTown back in 2011
-Created a bigger brand of NapTown Fitness over the years that includes, NapTown SWIFT, Practice Indie Yoga, and CrossFit NapTown.
CrossFit NapTown - http://naptownfitness.com/crossfit/
Practice Indie Yoga - http://practiceindie.com
NapTown SWIFT (Sweat With Indy For Time) - http://naptownfitness.com/swift/
IUPUI Student-Athlete Networking Event
New NapTown Fitness Capitol Compounds
Artie Stevens Memorial Trust
Arthur “Artie” Stevens IV, Owner of Indy’s Kitchen, Artie’s Paleo On The Go, and Artie’s On Central.
Artie was the epicenter of the local CrossFit, fitness, and health revolution here in Indianapolis. Everyday he strived to make our days better with his vision of Artie’s Paleo On The Go. He connected with over 50 different fitness facilities and impacted even more lives. To honor his legacy we ask that you help provide for the future of his children.
Arthur and Eva will have separate minor trusts under section 2503(c). The money we raise will be split evenly between the two trusts. Jared Cantrell (CF Infiltrate), Peter Brasovan (NapTown Fitness), and Jared Byczko (NapTown Fitness) will serve as the Trustees and oversee the accounts.
- Indy Star Video Link: Click Here
- Podcast w/ Artie: Click Here
- Obituary: Click Here
- - Teams of 2
- - 5 rounds
- - 1 minute per round
- - Each partner is allowed :30 to accumulate as many reps as possible per movement then they switch.
- - Score = total reps as a team! Just like Fight Gone Bad
- - *Workout must be performed while listening to Dubstep*
WOD Details:
- - Wall Balls (20/14)
- - Toes To Bar
- - Box Jumps (24/20)
- - Push Press (75/55)
- - Row for Calories
- - Rest 1 Minute
Partner 1 works for :30, tags Partner 2 who then works for :30. Transition to the next station and continue that sequence. (29 Total Minutes)
The “Why” of the workout:
Artie’s very first workout was a Tabata version of Fight Gone Bad. We wanted to create something similar but with some of his favorite movements. Artie loved box jumps and loved when he got a chance to show off his mad hops (that is slang for jumping high). He also enjoyed rig work and kipping. You can always find him in photos hanging from the rig doing toes to bar. Lastly, Artie thrived in partner workouts because he never wanted to let the other person down. Quite familiar to the way he lived life.
Fabian Rodriguez, Sales and Finance at Mercedes
-Went to Purdue for college. Stayed in West Lafayette for four years after graduating.
-Always had a need to be creative.
-Jason Fabian Rodriguez - Goes by Fabian because there was 3 other Jasons on his floor in college.
First group was called "Sellout" with one other guy.
Second group that Fabian forced his way in to.
SixDollarSuit: https://www.facebook.com/Sixdollarsuit-273673501291/
"Hmmm... what kind of plant do we have here?"
What are you currently obsessing with?
Fabian - Dangal: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt5074352/
Jared - DRNK CLTR and everything it encompasses.
DRNK CLTR Patreon Account coming soon.
Name one thing that has made your life easier over the last few weeks.
Fabian: "Writing without Bullshit" - https://www.amazon.com/Writing-Without-Bullshit-Career-Saying/dp/0062477153
Jared: WAG Walk - https://wagwalking.com
Foursquare Rum Distillery - http://www.barbados.org/foursquare-rum-distillery.htm
1) Foursquare 2004 - http://thefatrumpirate.com/foursquare-rum-distillery-2004-single-blended-rum
2) Plantation Rum - http://thefatrumpirate.com/plantation-single-cask-barbados-12-years-wild-cherry-finish
3) Foursquare Zinfandel Cask Blend - http://thefatrumpirate.com/foursquare-rum-distillery-zinfandel-cask-blend
4) The Real McCoy - Madeira - http://cocktailwonk.com/2017/01/real-mccoy-limited-edition-12-year-peek-hood.html
5) Foursquare Criterion - http://thefatrumpirate.com/foursquare-rum-distillery-criterio
“At the risk of sounding like a superfan, this is the world’s best rum distillery,” says Minnick, who compares the mystique of this Barbados producer to that of rarified whiskey maker Pappy Van Winkle. Foursquare Rum Distillery’s Criterion ($90) is layered in dried fruit, caramel, white pepper, apple pie, molasses, cinnamon cookies, and Mexican chocolate. It has an impeccably smooth finish that just doesn’t quit. Adds Minnick, “Should you ever come across Foursquare Criterion in a store, I advise you to buy every bottle you see.”