Join us for another round with Matt Lamping, an owner of the artisan distillery and cocktail bar 8th Day Distillery. When you first heard Matt’s story, there were only three full barrels behind him and his brother and co-owner Mason. Nearly two years later, the artisan distillery offers a line of full-flavored spirits, including multiple flavors of rum, gin, whiskey, and even absinthe and a cocktail bar. 8th Day Distillery’s goal is to educate the community about how awesome spirits are and expose people to cocktail making. Therefore, since the COVID-19 restrictions, 8th Day Distillery has been working tirelessly to provide fresh cocktails for home, including releasing their newest creation, Gin & Tonic in a can. In a few months, you may even see a collab with a very familiar group. Drink deep of the culture that surrounds you with Matt Lamping of 8th Day Distillery.

Learn about 8th Day Distillery!

What We Tasted…
8th Day Distillery Canned Gin and Tonic

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8th Day Distillery - What Would You Do With an Extra Day Of The Week?

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